Haruhi Suzumiya Real Life Locations
There are Haruhi Suzumiya Real Life Locations in Nishinomiya City Hyogo Prefecture Japan.
Before you travel, please read ‘TRAVEL MANNER’ and Travel Detail Guide and If you occur...
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・Haruhi goods sell at Café Dream, Junkudo Bookstore and Tokorozawa Sakura Town. In summer, Chez inoue sells Haruhi cookie too. Other goods, please visit to Haruhi News including past year.
・If you have any question, please contact me. I am willing to answer.
<Let's travel with Haruhi App.>
Hyoda Priting Industrial Arts Company releases the appreciation “The Excursion of Haruhi Suzumiya”. When you go to the real-life locations, you can take the photo with anime sense! Please bring your mobile battery too. Detail

<Do you round in Nishinomiya City? >
Nishinomiya City has many features.(Baseball, Sake Brewery and sweets etc.) Let's go to sightseeing spots with Haruhi locations! Nishinomiya official tourism website